Bill Lloyd started Lloyd’s Furs in Denver, CO
October, Richard and Kim, the respective R and K in Marks Furs, best friends since 1970, started Marks Furs in their bedroom closet selling to neighbors and friends November, Moved to Beau Monde Mall, Greenwood Village, CO, December, first local newspaper ad
November, Moved to Cherry Creek North, their location still today
Bought the fur division of Jonas Brothers Furs in Denver, CO
Bought Lloyd’s Furs, merging the two names: Marks-Lloyd’s Furs. Created the largest fur service business in the West.Became active benefactors to local charities in the Denver metro area: Families First, Opera Colorado, Cancer League of Denver, Girls Inc.
Added designer brands like Zuki, Zandra Rhodes, Louis Feraud
Started advertising on local tv expanding the name around the state.
Added the legendary designer Michael Kors to the collection.
Started traveling to Milan for the first of many business trips. Began adopting newer sheared, super sheared and laser cut styles of mink, increasing sales..
Started carrying Giuliana Teso and Byte.
Popularity of the practical fur took hold from traveling the globe.
Started carrying Giuliana Teso and Byte.
Started integrating higher fashion into direct mail pieces.
Began our presence online.
Started selling nationally online as ML Furs, creating the brand EM-EL.
Expanded marketing online with the first themed editorial spread inspired by Game of Thrones.
First international sale online. EM-EL goes global.
Online sales quadrupled and began selling luxury ski-wear to expand the collection.
Fur industry achieves 40 Billion worldwide, employing over 1 Million people.